Bakali Healthy Store
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Oregano Oil (In Capsules) 100 Capsules

It is an excellent oil for treating a wide range of fungi, bacteria and viruses of all kinds. The main ingredients of oregano oil are carvacrol and thymol, two phenols with significant antioxidant activity. Other ingredients in oregano oil are calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, manganese, vitamins C, A (β-carotene) and niacin (vitamin B3). In addition to fighting bacteria, oregano oil protects humans from viruses, colds, flu, gastroenteritis and others. It fights:

• viruses of all types,

• seasonal and other flues

• hepatitis

• encephalitis

• ear infections

• dermatitis

• eczema

• psoriasis

• arthritis-osteoarthritis, rheumatism,

• allergies

• asthma

• pneumonia

• sinusitis

• It is also ideal for treating diarrhea, intestinal and digestive problems, colitis and bloating.

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